This poor dog was in a shelter in Moscow for 6 years, but now he finally feels good

 This poor dog was in a shelter in Moscow for 6 years, but now he finally feels good

This dog spent almost the period of his life in the shelter, but now he feels good.

Six years ago, a dog named Tarasik ended up in a Moscow animal shelter.

Tarasik spent almost the entire period of his life in this shelter.

Then the fate of the dog began to change.

A dog forgotten in a Moscow shelter for 6 years now learns to love and be loved once again

Tarasik was wild and taciturn. He did not let people near him, tried to bite his hand. He took the food and didn’t drop the pen.

During the life of the dog in the shelter, he was noticed several times, but no one wanted to take the pet.

A dog forgotten in a Moscow shelter for 6 years now learns to love and be loved once again

Tarasik slowly got used to people. Tarasik received money from caring people, the funds were enough not only for him, but also for other dogs.

Tarasik was transferred from solitary confinement to two other dogs, Milka and Dimka. The dog learned to leave the fence.

A dog forgotten in a Moscow shelter for 6 years now learns to love and be loved once again

And Milka protected her neighbor. In November, Tarasik walked for the first time with two neighbors in a large common area. At first he was frightened, moving carefully, constantly sticking out his tail and ears from fear.

A dog forgotten in a Moscow shelter for 6 years now learns to love and be loved once again

Tarasik began to rejoice at the long-awaited and forgotten freedom.

At the moment, they are looking for a friend for Tarasik, a person who took care of dog, walk with him, and allocate funds for his protection.

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