The mountain bluebird is one of the amazing birds that we can meet. Birds bring the beauty of nature. We are surrounded by a lot of wonderful birds.
This photographer was able to capture how the monkey helps the female monkey to breathe. Monkeys are smart animals. They are playful and can annoy you by giving
The very unique plumage of these birds makes them so wonderful in the world. Crested kingfishers are born with interesting haircut. Males have orange color on their breasts,
The lion examining the table full of food, left the calmly. In Africa there are giant lions. One day one of them approached the table to participate in
The connection between the wolf hybrid and the German Shepherd is special. It’s very interesting to watch dogs’ games. Smokey is a wolf hybrid,Charlie is a dog who
The endangered animals were photographed by nature artist Supreet Sahoo Some people think that white bats can only be albino. This is incorrect; there is a species that
These little creatures amaze us with their beauty. Sometimes I wonder how nature uses several colors at once on several animals and birds without giving them a gaudy
The forester did not listen to anyone and did not stop feeding the dangerous wolf Wolfs are very dangerous. Thanks them, the environment remains clean. It was winter
The kind woman does not pass helps a homeless man with his dog. Unexpected things can happen every day. And we never know what situations we will find
The former owner of the dog tied her to the bushes and left a note. Some people can be cruel and heartless to animals. An animal center volunteer