«Charmed» star Alyssa Milano shares archival photos before fame and clearly surprised everyone

 «Charmed» star Alyssa Milano shares archival photos before fame and clearly surprised everyone

Has anyone seen the beauty from «Charmed» before her career?🧐👩Alyssa shared old photos of her early years, but fans were not able to recognize her😵‍💫🤷‍♀️Be surprised in the article👇👇👇

In 1998, the first episode of the television series «Charmed» was released, where one of the actresses was Alyssa Milano. The series quickly gained popularity thanks to its exciting plot.

Alyssa Milano, despite the fact that she did not play in other major projects after this series, remained active in various fields. She continues to act and blogs on social networks, where she talks about various aspects of her life.
Recently, Alyssa opened up about her life to her subscribers, and shared something that many didn’t know for sure. It turned out that before her acting career, Milano was active in the music field.

Alyssa shared archival photos and memories from that period of her life. Some of her fans didn’t even recognize her in the photo. «I had a platinum album and so many opportunities to express my creativity», Alyssa added to the photos. This is proof that she was active in different fields.

Comments from Internet users show that these archived photos clearly surprised everyone. «I still kept the magazine with this poster», «Seriously, is this Alyssa? I didn’t even recognize it», netizens wrote.

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