Cute scene: the beautiful German shepherd immediately fell in love with the chicks and began to care for them

 Cute scene: the beautiful German shepherd immediately fell in love with the chicks and began to care for them

If the dog is female, she can even understand that she is the mother of other pets.

Have you ever heard of dogs showing affection for other animal species? It is quite possible. Proof of this is a German Shepherd that went viral on the internet after being recorded taking care of a brood of chickens.

If the dog is a female, she may even understand that she is the mother of other pets.

Dogs are known to be very friendly towards most people and species, making them easy to interact with. The same does not happen with cats, which have a more independent profile. Although felines love to cuddle, cats are less sociable.

German Shepherd taking care of chickens

The owner puts them on the ground, in direct contact with the dog and, despite the difference in size, does not frighten the chicks. On the contrary, at a certain point in the video they feel brave enough to peck a dog in the eye.

Very kind, Thorin does not react in any way to “aggression”, but continues to lovingly watch the chicks. Yes, I think that a beautiful and sweet friendship between the parties is born here.

The video was published on YouTube by the Rumble Viral portal and won the hearts of Internet users who did not spare praise for the dog.

Adorably, German Shepherd Thorin approaches a bucket full of chickens. Although there are those who are afraid of the dog’s reaction, she is surprised that she reacts as defensively as possible, as if she had adopted pets.

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