Already old and in sportswear: Internet users were surprised by the recent photos of Jessica Parker

 Already old and in sportswear: Internet users were surprised by the recent photos of Jessica Parker

Fans of Jessica Parker did not appreciate the appearance of a star with gray hair.

J. Parker is a talented and well-known Hollywood actress that everyone has definitely watched in at least one movie with her brilliant lead role.

Recently, the popular star was caught with his heiress during their walk on the street. The paparazzi were able to capture the actress in loose sportswear and a gray blouse.


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The Hollywood celebrity was without makeup, wearing sunglasses and a simple bun on her head.


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Her fans did not really appreciate the recent appearance of the actress, who complained that the woman looked much older, completely haggard and rather unkempt.

Although there were those who still admired the iconic woman, saying that she looks her age and still has a beautiful figure.

Share your opinion about her image!

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