Dramatic and touching story: fortunately, people managed to save this wonderful cat and her kitten

 Dramatic and touching story: fortunately, people managed to save this wonderful cat and her kitten

The pregnant cat was thrown out during the frost period but was saved.

A pregnant cat named Giselle got into a difficult situation: during frostbite, a pregnant animal was thrown out.

The fact is that they did not take care of the sterilization of the animal in time.

A dramatic story - how the cat Giselle and her baby Pruno were rescued

The girl next door helped. Unable to move past, she took the cat and took it to a friend who worked at a shelter.

Only one kitten was born alive. Giselle suffered greatly because of the loss of her kittens. She was ignoring the kitten, which was in desperate need of maternal care.

A dramatic story - how the cat Giselle and her baby Pruno were rescued

Studies have shown that there are 2kittens inside the cat. They died and the infection began to develop.

The vet performed an emergency operation.

A dramatic story - how the cat Giselle and her baby Pruno were rescued

A few days later, the baby and mother were reunited. Giselle had to wear a red protective vest. She won’t allow Pruno to eat mother’s milk because of infection.

Watch the video, but do not forget to make a handkerchief. It’s just not possible without him.

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