Father did everything so that his son would not be shy: he spent 30 hours on a tattoo similar to a mole of his son

The father made a decision when his child refuses to shoot a t-shirt in the pool.

A resident of Canada Derek Prue Sr. spent 30 hours in a tattoo salon to support his son Derek Jr. and help him feel confident.

Derek Prai Sr. made a tattoo on his son’s darling, so that he was less embarrassed by his facial features.

The father made such a decision when he noticed that his child refuses to shoot a tshirt in the pool.

He was still proud of his homewort, and then I noticed that he began to hide her.

«And then I wanted to get the same birthmark on myself so that he knew that he was not alone», said Derek Sr.

The man boldly went to the Juicy Quill Tattoo.

But he was not quite ready for what he would have to endure.

«I thought it would be a session. But the alleged several hours turned into about 30 hours».

The first session lasted about four hours.

Derek Sr. managed to show his son his tattoo when the whole family returned to the pool.

Father took off his T-shirt and showed that he now has the same mark on his body.

The child could hardly believe his eyes, but was very happy.

The boy also decided to remove the T-shirt to compare how much his mole is like a tattoo of his father.

Now Derek Jr. feels much more confident and is not shy about his birthmark. All the torment of his father in the tattoo salon was worth it.

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