Fortunately, the blind dog, lost in the mountains for several days, was found alive
This poor dog stayed in the Santa Cruz Mountains for 8 days.
This Labrador-Sage, has lost his sight because of an eye infection, gets lost in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
The last person to see Sage was his owner Berth Cole.
According to him, he ran away from their house, and then it was impossible to find him.
Many people have joined him to help find the dog.
He reported the loss of the dog.
After several hours of searching, Berth lost hope.
Thank God this story has a happy ending. After eight hopeless days, a miracle happened. Cole’s neighbor Dan, walking with his friend, accidentally found a lost dog.
Dan, a firefighter by profession, noticed the poor dog lying on the ground.
At first he thought that the dog was not alive, but he was alive.
Then this kind man put the exhausted dog on his shoulders and took him home.
Berth was so happy to see that his lost dog was alive.
Sage probably had a strong will, he never lost hope.
Watch the video below about this wonderful story here.