Funny cat wanted to steal cat food, but then fell asleep on a food box in the store

 Funny cat wanted to steal cat food, but then fell asleep on a food box in the store

The cat was sleeping peacefully on a bag of food in the store.

The life of homeless animals is not easy. They face many difficulties, trying to get food and live another day. How this cat, which can easily fall asleep during a very important business.

Melanie Morris-Jones from Rugby came to a food store for food when she suddenly saw a peacefully sleeping cat on a bag of food. The girl did not expect that her pictures would become viral, but thousands of people had already appreciated a funny robber.

Probably, the homeless cat wandered into the store to eat and chose the right treat, but could not open it, because he had paws, not his hands.

It turned out that the owners of the store are aware that they have a guest; He arrives almost every day. He is full, nothing is known about the owners of the cat.

Well, now he is a real celebrity!

While the girl was photographed, the cat was dozing indifferently on the box, only slightly raising his face, as if asking: «What do you want, woman? »

Agree that it is difficult to get angry with the lazy thief of cats. We hope that good people will suck this fluffy, and you will not have to steal from the store.

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