Great story: this wonderful cat, seeing the baby approaching the stairs, immediately reaches and saves her

 Great story: this wonderful cat, seeing the baby approaching the stairs, immediately reaches and saves her

The cat noticed in which direction the girl was crawling, and rushed to save her.

The cat is the guardian angel of its owner. Anyway, that’s the way things are with furry Gatubela and his owner D.L. with Alvarez. Diana is a young mother of a baby.

One day the girl was left lying in her bed in the room where the cat was with her. Alvarez then returned to the child and was surprised to see the daughter crawling on the floor.

Cat saw that the baby was crawling towards the steep stairs and instantly rescued her

However, Diana remembered well how she put the girl to bed. There is a camera in the room, and the girl watched as her daughter managed to get out of the crib.

In the video, the baby slides down a steep staircase.

Cat saw that the baby was crawling towards the steep stairs and instantly rescued her

The girl will just fall off it. Gatubela noticed the direction in which the girl was crawling, and immediately rushed to save her, forcing her to change direction.

Cat saw that the baby was crawling towards the steep stairs and instantly rescued her

Only two cat jumps saved the child from danger.

Thanks to his ingenuity, the cat saved the girl, if not from death, then at least from injury.

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