«Her arrival was not celebrated» Parents share heartbreaking reaction to their newborn baby with a rare genetic condition

 «Her arrival was not celebrated» Parents share heartbreaking reaction to their newborn baby with a rare genetic condition

No one congratulated Eliza on the arrival of her daughter! 😧💔Mother breaks hearts showing her special baby and admitting that her arrival was not celebrated! 😥🧐 See what her special newborn looks like now in this article! 👇👇👇

It was in 2018 that Bella was born to the family of Eliza Bahneman and her husband. It is needless to say that the news starting with the words «I’m pregnant» and «I had a baby» are the most precious and long-awaited ones, yet, not in this case.

Bella left all her relatives speechless with her unexpected arrival. Eliza was experiencing a variety of different emotions and was preparing herself for becoming a mother. It is needless to say that she definitely wasn’t ready for this.

Everything went wonderful during her pregnancy and all the tests were normal. On the previous day, she was preparing the final touches to her arrival. Her water broke and the spouses couldn’t wait to meet her.

Bella’s pulse rate constantly dropped during the labor. Because of the epidural and Pitocin, Eliza felt sick and exhausted. Doctors said the baby was having troubles during the labor and came into this world after 12 hours.

When she first held the baby, she realized that something was wrong. Eliza wondered why everyone was looking at her so strangely, why so many people were entering the room and why her spouse seemed so uncertain and confused.

There were tears on her eyes when she looked at her and thought «she is different». Eliza looked at her eyes with warmth and was eager to protect her at all costs. Her husband was quick to show his unwavering support too.

Some thought it was Treacher Collins’ Syndrome which, unfortunately, was the better option. Bella had to be kept in hospital for a while for additional testing including x-rays and evaluations. She had the rare genetic syndrome.

However, she will always be loved and accepted by her parents. Meet Bella now!

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