Here is this generosity: in India, a kind boss gave his employees 1260 cars and 400 apartments

 Here is this generosity: in India, a kind boss gave his employees 1260 cars and 400 apartments

The leader of Hare Krishna Exports has never been as generous as he was that day.

A festive day for those working in one of the Indian companies selling diamonds was remembered for a lifetime!

The leader of Hare Krishna Exports has never been as kind and generous as he was that day.

The most generous boss: in India, the boss gave his employees 1260 cars and 400 apartments

Colleagues of the company received more than a thousand cars and four hundred worthy apartments as a gift from the head. The numbers are shocking, and it’s hard to believe that the boss is capable of this.

Savji Dolakia is the name of the same boss who was always generous to his employees and never spared expensive gifts for them. His diamond business operates in seventy countries and generates income on a global scale.

Such expensive gifts for company employees are not new. In 2014, more than a hundred wards received housing and cars.

The most generous boss: in India, the boss gave his employees 1260 cars and 400 apartments

The head of the company himself said that he did not plan to stop in the next few years, and would continue to give such gifts to his employees.

A man all his life differed from others in his interesting approach to life and raising children. His actions seem unusual, but very logical.

He never spoils his children and brings them up in strictness, making it clear that life is not easy.

The most generous boss: in India, the boss gave his employees 1260 cars and 400 apartments

His son was 21, but no diamonds fell from the sky. His father sent him to look for work with a meager budget, 7,000 rupees, and the things in the luggage of the heir were at a minimum. With him, the guy had only three sets of clothes and personal hygiene items.

The rich heir fully supports the rules of his father and says this:

“I was born into a prestigious, privileged family, where relatives got everything, no matter what it cost. They are used to it. My father decided to give me a chance to understand how ordinary people actually get money and how they live. I myself really wanted to understand this and check whether I am worthy of something.

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