«Hollywood’s ugliest belly and zero size!»: The new disappointing paparazzi photos of Wilde caused a stir

 «Hollywood’s ugliest belly and zero size!»: The new disappointing paparazzi photos of Wilde caused a stir

Paparazzi accidentally filmed Olivia Wilde and showed what the Barbie looks like in real life! 🧐😬 The absence of a waist and breasts came as a big disappointment for the fans of the actress! 😕👎

Olivia Wilde is among the film stars who enjoy her popularity among millions in the world and, at that same time, face criticism from haters and ill-wishers the main reason for which is that she never ceases to be the center of public attention.

Besides being incredibly talented and praiseworthy as a brilliant actress, she also keeps herself fit and healthy. She places a great importance on maintaining her perfect figure. However, the new paparazzi photos showed something else.

«What is she trying to show off? There is literally nothing», «The ugliest belly I have ever seen in my life!», «Am I the only one who thinks that her beauty is overestimated?», «The Barbie looks totally different in real life with no filters».

«Envy silently! She has a figure many 20-year-olds would envy», «No one is perfect, neither she is!», «Are you all perfectly-shaped to judge her?».

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