I know not all Labradors are yours, but this one is yours. The dog appeared in the principal’s office

 I know not all Labradors are yours, but this one is yours. The dog appeared in the principal’s office

The school personnel laughed a little, and the dog was quite delighted.

The Labrador named Sandy has been in Karen Manty’s family since childhood, and he has always been very close to them. The dog always wants to know what everyone is doing and will go to his family.

Sandy even makes an attempt to get the kids back to school every day, but they usually stop him and take him home before he gets too far. But once…

The family was a little more scattered than ordinary, but the tricky dog ​​managed to get out of the house and take the kids back to school. Sandy appeared at the principal’s office and a personnel member photographed him to send to Karen.

Her phone was switched off, so they let one of the kids walk her home since they lived nearby.

“I know not all Labradors are yours, but this one is yours.” read a text message. Karen was so upset about the situation that she went to the school to say sorry. Sandy, on the other hand, seemed to show no remorse for his deeds.

The school personnel laughed a little, and the dog was quite delighted. So, eventually, no damage, no foul.

The family just needs to take additional precautions going forward to make certain Sandy doesn’t appear in the Principal’s office again.


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