Interesting score: a kind woman with her brought a sweet dog and now it seems to be “superfluous”

 Interesting score: a kind woman with her brought a sweet dog and now it seems to be “superfluous”

The couple decided to have a new dog after the death of their previous shepherd.

“I just want that Rusty love me at least half as I love my husband.” Laura and her husband decided to get a new dog to fill the void formed in their family after the death of their previous German shepherd.

She had no idea that she would push herself out of this family. Laura became the third superfluous after the German shepherd and her husband became friends.

She admits that she and her husband were as dependent on him as he was from them. After they lost their dog, a friend who worked as a volunteer in a local shelter sent them a photograph of Rusty.

Rusty had the same hanging ears that stuck to the sides, like their previous dog. The couple immediately fell in love with the dog. Rusty was in the care of the Animal Protection Service Miami-Dad.

She knew that all that was needed is that people were kind, respectful and loved. Such warnings will almost certainly push many people.

Laura admits that he had to overcome some “problems” with p. But in the end, he was used to new people who are under his care. “He just found a common language with my husband,” Laura explained. “They lay together on the couch and literally fall asleep in each other’s arms”.

According to Peteducate, German shepherds like to hug. They have a protective and loyal character. Tenderness and proximity to their owners help them ensure the safety of their owners.

Laura quickly discovered herself superfluous. At 10 o’clock in the evening p and her husband goes to bed. Laura usually goes to bed a little later. When she finally goes to bed, she barely grabs her space. Rusty Like to take as much space as possible.

They constantly hug, even when they sleep. “And this is so unfair, because when I crawl into bed, I have my own small place”, Laura explained.

The history of Rusty o Geobeats was viewed more than 4.2 million times on YouTube. His mother also tells her subscribers on Instagram about his antics. “What a wonderful supporting woman!”

Watch the video below to find out more about the story to grow.

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