Interesting story: this man lost one of his cats, and 2 weeks later his second cat brought a note

 Interesting story: this man lost one of his cats, and 2 weeks later his second cat brought a note

Here is a very sad and touching story about this family.

Scott had two cats who grew up together and were very good friends. They liked to walk together, but one day, when they went out, one of them did not return. The owner went to look for the cat and eventually found him not far from the house, lying on the road. The man lost one of the favorites of his life, and after 2 weeks his second cat brought a note.

Two days passed and the other cat left the house and returned very late. There was a note on the cat’s collar, which turned out to be a note.

It’s quite a touching story.

The letter was written by his neighbor, who said he loved his cats very much and became friends with them because they often visited him. However, it had been a long time since one of them had not visited him and the other had disappeared, and he was very worried.

The pet owner was very excited when he read this letter. It turned out that all this time his cats went to visit a neighbor and did not run around the streets. He decided to answer the letter, thanked him and told about what happened in the past.

Thus, a correspondence is established between them. They exchanged email addresses to which they sent pictures of cats to each other.

They first met near a cat’s grave, and despite this, it was a very important meeting that brought together two strangers who really needed it.

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