«Irina, look what you lost!» The scandalous paparazzi photos of Cooper with Laura Dern raised questions

 «Irina, look what you lost!» The scandalous paparazzi photos of Cooper with Laura Dern raised questions

Who stole Bradly Cooper’s heart after Shayk? 🧐💘 Camera lenses secretly captured Irina Shayk’s ex-husband with his new lover whose appearance you can see in this article! 👇👇👇

These days, photographers have captured the world-famous model’s ex-husband walking with someone else in New York.

Camera lenses have captured probably the celebrated actor’s new girlfriend, actress and director Laura Dern. Yet, many people strongly hold the opinion that there is nothing more than friendship between them.

Dern was dressed in wide pants, a gray T-shirt and leather jacket. What concerns Cooper, he was dressed in a blue cardigan, beige T-shirt and a blue jacket too.

By the way, according to some rumors, the runway star is pregnant for the second time, yet no one can tell for sure yet.

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