«James Bond’s sweetheart is not the same!» New scandalous photos of Rachel Weisz are making headlines

 «James Bond’s sweetheart is not the same!» New scandalous photos of Rachel Weisz are making headlines

The beautiful wife of the Agent 007 appeared makeup-free and disappointed everyone! 💄❌ This is what the woman Bond previously chose looks like now! 🤐💔Noticeably aged and with no makeup, she is unrecognizable now! 🫣 See the paparazzi photos in this article! 👇

Here is Daniel Craig whom we can’t imagine without his beautiful partner, R. Weisz. It may be called a stereotype that people expect to see the legendary movie characters with the prettiest and most alluring women.

It is needless to say that paparazzi never miss a chance to capture the beauty with no cosmetics on.  She appeared wearing an elegant coat, a matching scarf and with effortlessly styled curly hair. To say that the famous wife of the Agent 007 is not the same is nothing to say.

Despite the fact she didn’t expect to meet paparazzi, Weisz had a smile on her face and showed that nothing could ruin her.

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