Kelly on «Charlie’s Angels» in the 1970s and today! This is how years have changed Jaclyn Smith

 Kelly on «Charlie’s Angels» in the 1970s and today! This is how years have changed Jaclyn Smith

Many will recall her as Kelly Garrett! 🎬💥 It was her big break and she woke up famous overnight! 🤭 Back in the 1️⃣9️⃣7️⃣0️⃣s her «raw» beauty drove everyone crazy, but time spares no one! 😕😬 See how she appears at 7️⃣9️⃣ in this article! 👇

Jacquelyn or Jaclyn Smith was born inTexas, on October 26, 1945. Already at a young age she started to pursue her artistic interest and relocated to New York City to make her dream of becoming a ballet dancer come true.

Soon, her interests smoothly transitioned from ballet into acting and modeling her big break being her role in «Charlie’s Angels» which became a turning point in her career. Later, she proved her versatility and professionalism appearing in various TV programs and miniseries too.

Among her most remarkable roles are also «Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy» and «Rage of Angels» which established her status as one of the most celebrated and sought-after Hollywood stars. She also became one of the first stars to establish a brand of women’s clothing.

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