
The dolphin, which appeared on the shore with the help

Special thanks to these compassionate people who were able to save the dolphin’s life. One of the saddest scenes on the beach is the suffering mammals washed ashore. Sometimes people come to their aid and help the sea dwellers, and sometimes they die. Fortunately, this time the story ended safely. A group of tourists were […]Read More


This fisherman is able to save a little deer that

Fortunately, thanks to this fisherman, the fawn came out of the water safe and sound. Many animals love to swim. But sometimes their favorite pastime can turn into a tragedy, because no one knows when the currents will get stronger. The incident happened in Dorset, England, where fisherman Mark Bowditch noticed something unusual in the […]Read More


A man on the verge of death is trying to

It is very exciting when owners want to stay with their pets until the last moments of life. John Weston was once diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis that he had six months to live. So his neighbor suggested he live a meaningful life until he died. The man had a nerve cell disease that affected […]Read More


This kind man made a big poster so he could

The dog, which has lived in a shelter for a long time, now has a family thanks to this benefactor. One of the biggest problems of shelters have is adopting animals. Rescue centers create various posts, blogs and ads to find the best permanent pet owners. It also happens that rescued pets stay in shelters […]Read More


This man is doing everything possible to be able to

The kayak built by the caring owner for his dogs made them very happy. For the most part, pet adopters also love and care for their pets. David Benson is a retired Vermont man who loves to travel with his two golden retrievers. After noticing that his dog Susie loves the water, the man made […]Read More


Shocking story: this dog saved the lives of dozens of

Special thanks to this wonderful dog for saving so many lives. We often hear stories about brave dogs which save their owners, however, these wonderful creatures are also willing to help another dogs. Here’s a dog which saved the lives of 80 other dogs. Greyhound Woodie, who has made a fantastic 22 donations in six […]Read More


This man’s lunch with his dog at the restaurant was

This dog was more polite than many people at the restaurant. People who take care of their dogs are simply the best. But recently, a man decided to treat his dog the best way he could. TikTok user Gemma Colon captured the incredible scene and publicly shared it. The video immediately went viral because the […]Read More


This young businessman quits his job and goes to Africa

This man’s step will surprise you a lot and will be highly appreciated. These days, people are more interested in money, buying expensive things, wearing new clothes. They forget and do not think about nature properly, and soon our home, the place where we live, may be destroyed by humanity’s greed and indifference. Every day […]Read More

Positive stories

This dog’s owners they made a bed for the dog

You will surely admire the actions of these kind people for their dog. Older dogs find it harder to stay energetic and visit their favorite places. Cocoa was a 16-year-old senior dog who enjoyed getting out of the house with his family. However, this beloved family did not give up on Cocoa’s favorite places. Tom […]Read More