Lost kind dog saved a tourist who fell off the cliff and received different injuries

The girl fell off a cliff and found herself several hundred meters below.

How to spend free time and vacation, who decides himself. Amelia Milling (21 years old), being deaf and dumb, was fond of mountaineering.

The mountain peaks attracted her from childhood.

Taking a short vacation, Amelia decided to conquer the peak of Alno in Alaska. But the unexpected happened. The girl fell off the cliff and was several hundred meters lower.

To the surprise of the rescuers who arrived soon, Amelia was not alone.

What happened to Amelia?

Fortunately, this fall did not entail serious consequences, the bones were not broken and Amelia did not lose consciousness. She simply got lost and could not determine her whereabouts. She did not know what to do or how to get out of the path.

But the unexpected happened. Barking was heard, and the girl saw a dog in front of her. It was a Husky breed dog specially trained to find people who fell into a difficult situation. The dog finds such people and leads them to the tourist path.

On the dog’s collar was her name Nanuk, who apparently got lost and wandered in these parts.

He did not depart from Amelia for a minute. He was able to get her out of the river when she tried to cross her. It was just a gift of fate.

Later, Amelia was able to use the GPS system to ask for help.

Help arrived on time. The girl was safe, and Nanuk provided her invaluable help.

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