Mother’s genes said «Goodbye!» David Beckham showed his daughter and the whole world went speechless

 Mother’s genes said «Goodbye!» David Beckham showed his daughter and the whole world went speechless

A girl twice the size of her mother! 😱🤐 Everyone is discussing Victoria and David Beckham’s overweight daughter! 😲🤯 Paparazzi spotted the football player with his heiress and you can see the rare footage in this article! 👇👇👇

The life of the Beckham family never ceases to evoke interest among netizens. It is needless to say that their children became the subject of discussions as well which is not surprising at all. Lately, David was spotted with his teenage daughter.

As we can see the girl has outgrown her mother in height and weight. Her non-standard look immediately caused a furor making people question her beauty. It came as a surprise for Victoria’s fans to see what her heiress looks like today.

Netizens rushed to compare her with the designer, others believed that it was a matter of time for her to gain attractiveness and lose weight.

«How could a woman like her have such an obese daughter?», «Her mother’s genes took a break», «She is twice the size of Victoria!», «Stop feeding her so much! She is about to explode!».

«Overweight but adorable», «What huge cheeks and body!», «Her mother’s legs are much slimmer, surprisingly!».

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