«No one believes this hottie is 73!» The timeless beauty and youth of Vera Wang captivates millions

 «No one believes this hottie is 73!» The timeless beauty and youth of Vera Wang captivates millions

She again forgot about her age and showed more than the fans expected! 😮🫣 Vera Wang poses in mini shorts and breaks all the stereotypes! 🔥😮 She shared provocative snapshots which you can see in this article! 👇👇👇

It seems as if time never passes by some people whose beauty and youth seem ageless. If we take this renowned and successful fashion designer, she looks like a 25-year-old girl both considering her appearance and young spirit.

Millions of people strongly refuse to believe that this celebrity is already 73. Recently, she has proudly flaunted her slender figure, stunning legs and flat tummy. One may say that she can easily be mistaken for an 18-year-old girl.

«If ageing, then only in this way!», «Time seems to have never passed her», «Now all grannies dream of looking like her», «It should be illegal to look so beautiful at this age?».

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