It’s amazing to believe that this girl is real, she has one of the longest legs in the world
This girl became famous not thanks to talents but by winning the genetic lottery.
Today we want to introduce you to a resident of Chicago named Ren Bud, the length of the legs is 134 centimeters and 11 millimeters.
When she went to school first time she was the same height as her teacher.
She has just one of the longest legs in the world!
Ren’s height is 205 centimeters.
She overtook Ekaterina Lisina, whose leg length is 133 centimeters.
Her parents are also tall.
Rennie’s father is 208cm tall and his mother is 185cm.
The biggest inconvenience for Ren is the doors, she hates them.
In social networks, the girl has a lot of followers who always write compliments to Ren.
The girl began to work as a model. So now Ren can find clothes for her legs.