One of the miracles of nature: here is the sea ram, the sweetest marine creature similar to Pokemon

 One of the miracles of nature: here is the sea ram, the sweetest marine creature similar to Pokemon

They are such cute creatures, not at all the same as on land.

You cannot resist these cute views; do you want to have “Pokemon” of this sea?

This is a sheep! This is a cow! No, this is Costasiella kuroshimae, it is also known as «sea mucosa working in solar energy»-or when scientists feel unkind, «sea mucus sucking juice». This charming small sea mucus feeds on algae, just like real, with his eyes and cute tentacles, it looks like a real cartoon marine lamb!

Sea sheep can reach 5 mm in length and are one of the few marine creatures that can carry out photosynthesis. When these strange animals eat algae, they suck in chloroplasts and include them in their bodies using a process known as kleptoplasty, effectively turning them into slugs working on solar energy!

These tiny rodents were discovered from Japan to Indonesia and the Philippines.

There are 284 known types of Sacoglossa marine slugs in moderate and tropical waters around the world, and only C. kuroshimae looks like a charming cross between the Sheep and Medusa. It can be found in the waters of Southeast Asia.

They are literally all forms, sizes and colors, and you never know when you find a new one.

The sea slugs of all species are amazing, they are a string of different colors and shapes!

God definitely had something to do with this color!

Why don’t we explore how this little guy does this, and will not reproduce it for ourselves?

Do you think it looks like a cartoon cow?

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