Quadruplets at the age of 65: the woman gave birth to four babies and she is already a mother of 13 children

Late birth and such high birth rate caused a complex social reaction.

In May 2015, 65-year-old Annegret Raunig from Berlin shocked the world!

She gave birth to four children-three boys and a girl, everyone was born prematurely at the sixth month of pregnancy, weighing less than a kilogram.

The late births today are not uncommon, but these late births and such high birth rate have caused a complex social reaction.

It is interesting that ten years before this birth, Annegret has already become the oldest mother in the history of Germany.

She worked as a teacher, married five times, gave birth to twelve children and even became a grandmother.

Having retired in 2005, she suddenly had another child. At 55, she gave birth to a healthy girl, whom she called Leila.

Some are condemned for selfishness and irresponsibility, but the birth of a child is a personal business of every woman.

And age is not a minus, it is just a figure in a passport that everyone disposes in his own way.

On the contrary, she often participated in various talk shows and gave interviews to newspapers.

It all started with the fact that the youngest daughter of our heroine once told Mom that she wanted to have a brother or sister.

The reason is clear: all his brothers and sisters grew up.

So, at the age of 64, Annegret is thinking for the 14th time to become a mother.

She risked not to bear the child on time and give birth with a very low weight at birth, as she became pregnant at 64.

Of course, German doctors and many people from the encirclement of a mother of many children perceived the news of this pregnancy very negatively.

After the birth of the child, the family moved to a small town of Hokster, where Annegret settled in a larger house provided by the authorities.

For the birth of children, the woman received two awards from the German government.

Children turned into a real gang, ran all day by eoma, shouted and frustrated everything.

Annegret admits that she has very little time to think about herself.

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