Cute scene: this dog from an abandoned house once warned a woman that she was not alone

 Cute scene: this dog from an abandoned house once warned a woman that she was not alone

Although the house was empty and the dog was alone outside, she was not alone.

Rescuer Donna Lochmann was expecting to see an adult dog living alone in an abandoned home when she met her in St. Louis, Missouri. She was reported by a stranger in Stray Rescue of St. Louis (SRSL), who was notified that the dog’s family members had passed away and also left her.

Although the house was empty and the dog was alone outside, he was not alone. After a while, Lochmann noticed the presence of two more pairs of eyes watching her from behind the railing.

Both puppies were between 6 and 8 weeks old, according to Lochmann, SRSL’s chief rescuer who spoke with The Dodo.

While Lochmann didn’t have much trouble loading the mommy dog ​​into her car, she did have a bit more trouble controlling the young puppies.

The puppies entered a concrete patio that had been dug under a fence on the opposite side, Lohmann said. Because it was safe, “most likely they used to stay here”.

After a couple of attempts, Lohmann managed to catch the smaller pup by reaching under the patio, but the larger pup survived.

According to Lochmann, “the bigger one didn’t really want me to take her out”. She continued to attack me with her razor-sharp puppy fangs, but I held out.

Lochmann grabbed a thick pouch to cover her arm and slipped it back into the gap. She finally got the frustrated young puppy under control.

Lochmann saw the vet with her mom’s dog, which she named pumpkin spot, and her two puppies, Eckert and Stuckmeyer. Three dogs were placed in a foster family immediately after the examination showed that they were all healthy.

Currently, Eckert and Stuckmayer are promoted in the same house. According to Lochmann, they both need social interaction and are still very scared. However, since their adopted home consists of cuddly adult dogs, they should warm up quickly.

According to Lochmann, “the older pets have fun with the puppies and also start teaching them how to be a pet”.

In addition, the pumpkin patch has moved directly into the foster home, where she receives daily hugs, plenty of food, and a comfortable bed to sleep in.

Although Stray Rescue of St. Louis will miss pumpkin as well as her puppies and are very happy that all three dogs will end up living happy lives.

Instead of trying to survive on the streets, “everyone is in the house now and also learning what life in the house is like”, Lochmann added. They are doing a lot better these days.

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