Those who watched «Baywatch» will recall L.A. County LifeGuard Mitch Buchannon, the captivating character starred by David Michael Hasselhoff! 🤩📺 The actor, with the nickname The Hoff, and Pamela Bach got married in 1️⃣9️⃣8️⃣9️⃣ welcoming 2️⃣ daughters! 🤗😍 They divorced in 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣6️⃣ choosing separate paths! 💔🥺 These days, the world was shook by her passing the details of which I will share in this article! 👇

The relationship between the «Baywatch» star and his wife has long been the subject of heated discussions. Although they had known each other for long, it wasn’t until the set of «Baywatch» that these two formed a relationship getting married in 1989 and becoming one of the brightest, most talked-about and popular couples of the time.

People’s surprise acknowledged no limits when they announced their divorce with dirty details which caused public scandals. Their seemingly unshakeable love and exemplary marriage was not without controversy too. To other people they seemed to live the happiest life but the truth is that the inner world of each couple is fraught with challenges and difficulties.

First it was in 2007 that their teen daughter shared a scandalous video of their father being extremely drunk lying on the floor. The exclusive footage caused a furor online. It wasn’t until 2017 that their divorce was finalized. Initially, he was paying 10 000 dollars per month for child support, but soon he started to pay twice less and she received only 5000 dollars complaining that it was very hard for a woman her age to find a job.

Pamela had deep depression, and as others claim, suffered inner demons. As a result, she has recently taken her own life by a gunshot which was one of the latest tragedies that happened to Hollywood.