Saw each other for the first time. Really an incredible story of two former Siamese twins who first see each other

In October, two 13-month-old boys successfully separated in the hospital.

These children look as if they were about to arrange a large quarrel, but in fact this is a deceptive impression.

In fact, the truth is much more inspiring.

Jadon and Anias McDonald are two twins who were connected on the top of the head and never saw each other.

But in October, two 13-month-old boys successfully divided Montefiore, Hove, Great Britain in the hospital during a life-threatening 27-hour operation.

The photo above shows how they first saw each other.

The babies were transferred to the rehabilitation center shortly after the day of thanks (November 24), six weeks after the operation.

Thus, this was the fastest recovery that had ever observed after the separation of cranipopagus twins (connected by the head), the previous record was eight weeks.

About 40 percent of the twins connected in the head are born dead. And a third of those born dies within 24 hours after birth.

Even if they survive, they still have a 80 percent chance to die up to the age of two, if they are not divided surgically.

Jadon feels good, but Nicole’s mother could not hold Anias, since his recovery was slower than his brother.

And he still had to breathe through the tube.

However, now everything looks promising with him, and, fortunately, he quickly recovers.

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