«Self-loathing and silent battles!» Not everyone knows what Robbie Williams has to go through behind the screen

 «Self-loathing and silent battles!» Not everyone knows what Robbie Williams has to go through behind the screen

Robbie Williams breaks the silence and admits that he suffers from body dysmorphia! 😱😬 The great singer gets candid about his mental health condition the details of which can be found in this article! 👇👇👇

The name of this renowned man is known to absolutely everyone. However successful he would be in career, this, sadly, can’t be said about his personal life. There is something far not everyone knows – he suffers from body dysmorphia.

This is a type of mental health condition which makes the bearer to focus on the flaws and imperfections of their appearance. The complexes and insecurities they suffer have a strong impact on their health and general well-being.

The lead singer of Take That admits to experience a number of negative emotions about himself. He finds himself worried while eating since he focuses on weight gain. He admitted that he could even write a book based on self-loathing.

Often, Williams chooses not to share his battles with anyone else being stuck in his complexes. What concerns his personal life, he is a caring father and a devoted husband. In 2020 it became known that his daughter had dyslexia.

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