«Sending prayers!»: The legendary actress from the James Bond films shared the latest news about her state

 «Sending prayers!»: The legendary actress from the James Bond films shared the latest news about her state

This is what the incurable disease has done to Judi Dench! 😦😢 The James Bond actress refuses to give up and leave the cinema! 😮🤭

Most of you have probably seen this iconic actress from the James Bond films. Regardless of her poor health, she is still not ready to leave the cinema. However, the terrible ailment has already taken its toll and she can’t even read anymore.

She has admitted that it has become hardly bearable for her on the set, but she still does her best to cope with that. She strongly refuses to give up and let the disease take over.

For those who don’t know, she was diagnosed with macular degeneration, which is a terrible eye condition which occurs mostly after 50. This, unfortunately, can’t be revised and is continuously getting worse.

It is worth mentioning that her great contribution to the film industry can hardly be overestimated. Her role in «The Third Secret» brought her fame and overall recognition and her role in «Shakespeare in Love» received an Oscar.

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