Sister Supports Brother to Care for Aging Mother, Later Learns He Misused Funds Intended for Her Well-Being

 Sister Supports Brother to Care for Aging Mother, Later Learns He Misused Funds Intended for Her Well-Being

When Shirley relocated abroad, she entrusted her younger brother with the responsibility of caring for their elderly mother, believing he would ensure her needs were met. However, her perceptions changed dramatically upon her return a year later.

At 40, Shirley worked as a nurse in the United States after leaving her hometown for improved prospects. Prior to her move, she shared a home with her mother, who was resistant to the idea of moving into a nursing facility.

Shirley made it a point to visit her mother and brother every year. Over time, she noticed her mother struggled more with daily tasks, prompting her to hold a private discussion with her brother Alex, who had just completed his university studies.

“Mom requires someone to live with her full-time. I can’t bring her to my place since it’s small and shared with my husband and son,” she explained.

“How about I just visit her every weekend to ensure she has food and a clean house? I don’t want to live in the village with her,” Alex suggested. Though Shirley agreed, her worries for her mother persisted.

Three years passed with Alex keeping to his commitment of visiting their mother weekly. Yet, when Shirley returned for the holidays, she found her 65-year-old mother appeared too fragile to manage alone.

“We need a new plan,” Shirley told Alex. “Mom can’t live by herself anymore.” While Alex conceded, he was hesitant to move back in. “What if you moved in with her and I sent you money monthly to support you both?” Shirley proposed.

Her brother was more open to this idea, hoping the funds would cover their needs and allow him some leisure. “I trust it will suffice for both of you,” Shirley said, and Alex vowed to return home to care for their mother.

After returning to the U.S., Shirley worried whether Alex would follow through. She knew he loved socializing but held onto hope he would keep his word for their mother’s sake.

True to her promise, Shirley sent him monthly financial support. Although it wasn’t a large sum, it was adequate for both of them.

Instead of moving in with their mother, however, Alex continued to visit her only on weekends, using the remaining money for his own enjoyment. Though Shirley’s mother wanted to reach out to her daughter to disclose the reality, she hesitated to add more stress to her life.

A year later, Shirley planned another trip home, deciding to surprise her family by arriving earlier than expected. When she stepped through the door for the holidays, she was taken aback to find her mother alone.

“Where’s Alex? Isn’t he supposed to be caring for you?” Shirley asked. Her mother explained that while Alex did come by occasionally, he never actually moved in with her.

Furious, Shirley confronted her brother about his repeated assurances of caring for their mother. Just as she was processing her brother’s deceit, he entered, clearly shocked to see Shirley and her family.

“Wow, sis, what a surprise! What brings you back so soon?” Alex asked.

“You promised to look after Mom; why would you leave her here alone?” Shirley demanded.

“There are many elderly folks in this village living alone, and they’re fine. Even Mom has been managing all this time,” he replied.

When Shirley probed Alex about the money she’d sent throughout the year, her mother revealed he had been using it to gamble every weekend with friends. “He’s become well-known in the village for always having cash to spend on gambling,” she disclosed.

Heartbroken by this revelation, Shirley spoke privately with her husband. “I think we should bring Mom to live with us,” she proposed. Her husband agreed but expressed concerns about their finances.

“We could sell this house and use the proceeds to secure a larger apartment,” Shirley suggested.

Worried her brother might claim a share of the money, she discreetly discussed it with her mother, who agreed to move in with them and sell the house without Alex’s knowledge.

As her visit concluded, Shirley informed Alex that he would no longer be responsible for their mother’s care. “A neighbor will come by daily to help her until we decide on the next steps,” she stated.

“Just take her to a nursing home. She’ll be okay there,” Alex replied.

Disappointed in her brother, Shirley remained optimistic that her plan would succeed. After returning to the U.S., she swiftly initiated the process of selling the house.

Three months later, Shirley waited at the airport for her mother’s arrival. With the sale proceeds in hand, she and her husband had already moved into a bigger apartment.

Relieved to have her mother living with them, Shirley knew she could provide the necessary care and companionship her mother needed. She looked forward to sharing quality time with her grandson and the entire family.

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