The «Batman» girl then and now! This is what happened to absolutely unique girl Luna Ferrer after a surgery

Years ago a girl with a «Batman» mask was born and shook the world by her arrival! 😲💥 The baby was born with a huge black spot that covered her whole face! 🤯🫢 People were afraid of her and soon she got the nickname a «monster!» 🫢🙄 However, everything changed after an operation! 😱🫢See how Luna appears today in this article! 👇

The arrival of this unique baby girl came as a big surprise for not only her parents but also the whole world. Luna’s face was covered with a huge black spot that caught everyone’s interest and no one could pass by her indifferently.

The extremely rare condition that she was born with is called nevus. People started to mock and judge her due to her uniqueness and she was different from all her peers. Luna was not accepted and often had to endure people’s hurtful comments calling her a «monster» and soon she earned the nickname «Batman».

Surgeries required for her recovery cost a large sum of money and her parents couldn’t afford it. However, they shouldn’t waste time and the operation was to be done as soon as possible. One Russian surgeon named Pavel Popov learnt Luna’s incredible story just at the right time.

He became the one who operated on Luna giving her a second chance to a normal life. Of course, some scars are still left, yet the girl now feels herself complete and has no insecurities. The hardest part is gone and now she simply should get used to her new looks.

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