«The rumors were true!» Depp finally breaks the silence and opens up about the kiss with Keira Knightley

It was in the early 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣s that they starred in three of the iconic «Pirates of the Caribbean»!🎥🎭 The Hollywood actor finally spilled all the tea about how uncomfortable it was to film romantic scenes with an actress with such a big age difference! 😮‍💨🫣 See how he described their talked-about kiss in this article!👇

In 2003 the first film in the franchise came out which featured Orlando Bloom who portrayed her love interest. At the time of the filming the iconic actress was only 17. What concerns «Dead Man’s Chest», it was released in 2006 and it was there that Depp shared a kiss with her.

The notable actor found it appropriate to share how it felt like to kiss her:

«Kissing someone you are not romantically involved with is always awkward, but the fact that Keira is twenty-something years younger than me made it infinitely more awkward».

Depp admitted that it was rather uncomfortable especially when considering the fact that she was 17 years old when they first encountered. What concerns Keira, she was truly satisfied with kissing him calling it wonderful.

Adding that she couldn’t even ask for a better kiss, she made it obvious how lucky she felt at that very moment which, as one can see, can’t be said about the actor.

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