Incredibly cute scene: this trapped giant turtle hugs a diver who saves his life

A turtle appears to hug a diver for saving its life in an utterly lovely scene.

Having escaped from the fishing nets, this turtle embraces the diver.

The turtle appears to be hugging the diver to save his life in an absolutely beautiful scene.

An unfortunate marine species got tangled in old fishing nets off the coast of Mexico, but a Puerto Rican surfer saw he was suffering and ran to help. Instead, he received the sweetest thanks.

A GoPro camera was used to capture the beautiful scene.

In Baja California, Mexico, kite surfers Cameron Dietrich and Colin Sutton were about to ride when they came across an endangered sea turtle.

Entangled in fishing nets, the helpless turtle fought for his life, but luckily these two heroes came to his rescue.

“I jumped into the water and started cutting him when I noticed he was tangled up,” Dietrich told MailOnline.

The two surfers paired up, and when Dietrich removed the ropes from the turtle’s body, his partner helped him stay afloat.

The men stayed with the turtle after it was released to make sure it was strong enough to swim. The surfers sailed away as the creature looked healthy, but soon the biggest surprise awaited them.

The rescue turtle changes course and approaches Dietrich to thank him for his kindness, as shown in the video.

“He came back to me above my chest, came up to my face and let me touch him under the sink”. “He swam up to my mask and then swam away.” “It was a magical moment”.

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