This is great: a beautiful dog, participated in the Fifty Percent marathon, and ended up in 7th place

 This is great: a beautiful dog, participated in the Fifty Percent marathon, and ended up in 7th place

The owner did not even know what to do, after she received an SMS.

Ludivine Bloodhound made a huge leap in the small town of Elkmont, Alabama, most recently Ludivine decided to stop playing at your house and also competed in the Elkmont Train Trek Trek Half Marathon.

April Hamlin, the foster mom of a pet named Ludivine, allowed her to complete her task as she left the backyard to see why so many people in the race were on the starting line. As soon as the weapon fired, she ran.

One of the runners, Tim Horvath, finished most of the race with the Bloodhound and also just assumed that its owner was around.

He told Jogger’s World: “The first time I saw Ludivine was in the parking lot before the race. She jumped up and I patted her head too, I just thought it was someone’s dog”. Elkmont is a small town of 400 people where everyone gets to know everyone.

Ludivine effectively covered the entire race by 13.1 miles! In the process, she even stopped a few times to greet some of the cows and smell them!

The organizers also clocked her time, resulting in Ludivine placing 7th with a time of 1:32.56.

However, the race volunteers couldn’t let a contestant leave suddenly, so they decided to give Ludivine her own medal.

All this was a complete shock to April, who stated that Ludivine is usually quite lazy. At first, she was stressed that Ludivine could interfere with the runners. But in the end, Ludivine’s appearance on the running bench helped raise money for the regional institution’s sports programs.

The race coordinators said they were “overwhelmed by the amount of help this sweet, wonderful dog has provided!” So they decided to bring it back and pretend that their race had actually been officially renamed.

“It took us a long time to find a name for our race, and nothing we developed felt like ‘it’. After the information about Ludivine was damaged, we decided to rename it and without any disagreement decided that in honor of Ludivine, as well as her achievements, the name of our race. Sure to change to Elkmont’s Beagle Fifty Percent!”

Seems like a great fit!

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