This is how great: the chicken straightened its wings and protects its kids from a heavy rainfall

These tiny creatures can teach human mothers a lot in raising children.

All mothers, whether people or animals, know exactly how to take care of their children, and will do everything to grow healthy and strong!

This is typical bird behavior. That is why the Bible sometimes depicts God in the form of an eagle, which protects its children under its wings.

Video from India, who has received general attention, demonstrates the depth of readiness to put the needs of his child above his own.

While someone was sitting by the fireplace in a cozy house, Mom-Kurice and her children were still standing, trembling under the pouring rain in the local fish market, and a feathered bird-mother spread wings over them, serving as a living umbrella for their children. . The chicks hug the mother tightly and beg the sky to cleanse.

She, like many other parents, does not mind if her fur gets wet from the rain, while her children are safe, warm and comfortable. Each mother probably has such an instinct!

What a touching moment! This can be a model for people to be kind to animals. That animals have hearts and feelings every time a person hurts them or throws them!

We should never think that there are these and all living beings, they are thinking, emotional and loving people, better than most of us people.

What a touching moment. This can be a model for a person to be kind to animals. That the animal has a heart and a feeling every time a person causes an animal pain.

Watch the touching story in the video below:

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