This poor lonely kitten was left under the stones: kind people did not leave him there and rescued him

 This poor lonely kitten was left under the stones: kind people did not leave him there and rescued him

This cat noticing people ran to hide to the stones with all his strength.

One day, a man walking down the street noticed a small cat that was running with all its might to the rocks by the stream.

On the same day, the man posted on Facebook about his find.

The volunteer read the message.

Homeless kitten hid under stones: merciful people didn't leave him there to suffer

She decided to take care of the fate of the cat, despite the hard work and difficulties.

The weakened, dehydrated baby looked younger than his age.

The animal was named Mufasa.

Homeless kitten hid under stones: merciful people didn't leave him there to suffer

The cat received a temporary shelter from an experienced volunteer, gained 100 grams in seven days.

The cat showed amazing courage for his age. The cat has a good character.

Homeless kitten hid under stones: merciful people didn't leave him there to suffer

His health is improving every day, which he tells the world in a low whisper.

We are glad to know that there are still people who cannot remain indifferent to the fate of poor animals.

This should be a daily reminder to each of us to be kind to weaker beings.

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