This wonderful kitten was found on the street: the family could not even imagine what abilities the baby has

 This wonderful kitten was found on the street: the family could not even imagine what abilities the baby has

This family found a kitten and the fluffy behaved completely unexpectedly.

The Gert family found a small stray kitten on the street. The cat was called Nimbus. She had problems from the very beginning, her eyes were covered with scabs caused by the disease, she could not see anything.

The period of blindness through which the cat went through, so affected her character. The fluffy baby behaves like a huge animal.

This family found a homeless kitten on the street, unaware of its extraordinary ability

The family takes care of the mother. The couple also has two huge dogs and several adult cats. When the kitten was washed and fed, it’s time to get acquainted with the rest of the household.

The little fluffy creature behaved quite unexpectedly. The cat assumed an intimidating pose, softened its fur, and growled.

This family found a homeless kitten on the street, unaware of its extraordinary ability

The pets of the Gert family were simply afraid to approach her. Only the biggest dog named Zeth knew how to react. He realized that the cat just needed protection, so he took her to him. Nimbus mutually answered her new friend.

This family found a homeless kitten on the street, unaware of its extraordinary ability

Now she is no longer afraid of the environment. But sometimes, when she thinks that she is in danger, the cat takes a frightening pose and makes angry sounds.

What a blessing that Zeth is with Nimbus! He does not allow anyone to offend his little friend.

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