«Time to ban plastic surgeries!» What the Cat Man looked like before resulted in mixed reactions

 «Time to ban plastic surgeries!» What the Cat Man looked like before resulted in mixed reactions

A nice boy with blue eyes spoilt himself with multiple surgeries to look like a tiger! 😱😳 His archive photos before the transformation caused a furor which you can see in this article! 👇👇👇

Probably everyone will remember this absolutely unique man who frequently appeared on TV shows back in the 2000s and gained popularity due to his non-standard appearance. His goal was to look like a tiger. Does he look so?

Meet Dennis Avner who is a programmer from Michigan as well as a descendant of the Huron and Lakota Indian tribes. On social media people call him «A Cat Man» or «Stalking Cat».

The countless surgeries he has undergone include splitting his upper lip, reshaping his eyes and teeth, adjusting his hairline and so on and so forth. He covered his beautiful face with lots of tattoos even inserting a mustache secured by piercings.

Due to his incredible makeover, he earned much attention on media. His non-standard appearance never ceased to be the center of attention of millions of people worldwide who shared mixed opinions.

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