«Went out in pajamas and with disheveled hair!» The laid-back look of Jennifer Garner made a splash

 «Went out in pajamas and with disheveled hair!» The laid-back look of Jennifer Garner made a splash

Here is Garner’s ridiculous outfit which caused harsh criticism on social media! 😦💔The actress’s latest look can hardly be deemed as successful which you can see in this article! 👇👇👇

While the whole network was actively discussing the scandalous divorce of B. Affleck and J. Garner, the actress made appearance which instantly caused a stir. She went out in something like pajamas and headed to the beach.

The star of the popular TV series «Spy» raised some questions. Her laid-back look of the outstanding actress in an unsuccessfully chosen outfit and with disheveled hair let no one stay indifferent.

Camera lenses secretly filmed the American movie star in a shapeless sweatshirt, blue striped pajama trousers and leather sandals which left a lot to be desired. Some noticed that Garner wanted to try on a new image.

However, according to most of the netizens, her unsuccessful outfit could barely be deemed as successful which came as a big disappointment for some of her fans.

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