What a beautiful sight: this cat trying her best to cheer up a lonely dog looking for his owners

 What a beautiful sight: this cat trying her best to cheer up a lonely dog looking for his owners

Fortunately, both the kitten and the puppy have quite a positive ending.

A cat was caught on camera comforting a poor creature left alone after her owners had to abandon her in a beautiful act of kindness.

In the most difficult questions, miraculous evidence explains how much animals care for each other.

This adorable puppy was found near the house where he lived for about six months. His caregivers were too close to retirement age and too unwell to care for themselves, so they were transferred to a nursing home. Unfortunately they didn’t have permission to take their dog so they had to leave him. However, a devoted dog was waiting for their arrival at any time of the day or night.

The sad dog was noticed by the locals and some of them even fed him, but the most touching incident occurred when one of the owners of the house noticed a wild kitten hugging a lonely dog ​​and cheering him up.

A cute kitten wrapped its paws around the sad puppy’s neck, as if saying: “Don’t be afraid, your family members will find you sooner or later.”

While the dog and his new companion were gone, the neighbors built a new home for them. However, the couple was sleeping on the stairs and keep warm by sleeping side by side.

“When they sleep together at night, they huddle together to keep warm,” one resident explained.

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