«What’s happening to her?» Lady Gaga lost so much weight that fans didn’t recognize her in recent photos

 «What’s happening to her?» Lady Gaga lost so much weight that fans didn’t recognize her in recent photos

«She looks like an anorexic!»😬Surprisingly, in the paparazzi photos Lady Gaga’s altered weight was the cause of the fans’ outrage😲🫢You’ll be scary to see her recent photos in the article👇👇👇

Lady Gaga is one of those stars who always strives to be the center of attention of fans. But this time, after her new photos, Internet users began to discuss her changed appearance.

The star’s weight decreased sharply and this became a cause of concern for fans. New photographs taken by paparazzi have appeared on the Internet, which show that she has lost a lot of weight and already looks like an anorexic.

Many Internet users have already begun to believe that she used very bad methods of losing weight. Some fans think that she lost weight after her relationship with Michael Polanski. «She doesn’t look like herself at all», «I barely knew it was Gaga», Internet users wrote.

Many have stated that she is currently filming Joker 2 and maybe she needed to lose weight for her role, perhaps the role will require her to lose weight and go on a strict diet. What do you think of Gaga’s appearance?

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