With his appearance, this dog stands out because of the mark on the muzzle, thanks to which he attracted attention

Here is the little Enzo, a Golden Retriever with a unique personality.

Although all puppies are unusual in their own way, the charm of this adorable little boy is getting everyone’s attention. It’s time to meet little Enzo, a golden retriever with a unique personality.

Golden Retrievers, as far as we know, look alike and have a golden coat, as their name suggests. Something unusual must have happened to this baby, because he has the most beautiful black spot on his shiny coat.

Enzo was born with a large black mark that ran from his eye to his nose and covered almost the entire left side of his face. A mutation in the pigmented somatic nerve is a relatively rare condition that causes adorable markings.

“Golden Retrievers are born with black coats, but a gene that modifies them makes them golden”, mother Ella Castro told The Dodo.

This extremely unusual disease is incredibly rare, which only adds to Enzo’s uniqueness. He doesn’t seem to be aware of it because he acts like any other dog. He loves to run and play and he enjoys meeting new people.

On the other hand, outsiders are fascinated by Enzo’s unusual appearance and, according to his mother, do not know that he is a golden retriever.

“People often ask about his breed, claiming that they think he is a mix because Goldens are colored dogs. In any case, he is quite a sociable dog”.

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