«His face is embarrassed»: the displeased cat has become a superstar of the Internet and he is really interesting

 «His face is embarrassed»: the displeased cat has become a superstar of the Internet and he is really interesting

The whole Internet recognizes his displeased face.

Sweet fluffy face, a touching ball of happiness, right? Not in this case!

Cat Louis seems to have his account in this world. The entire Internet will recognize his displeased face. It seems that the grumpy cat has every chance of success!

And although in the expression on his face, we do not understand whether he is glad or not, his owners are not averse to showing the cat to the whole world.

So, get acquainted: Eternally dissatisfied with Louis.

What’s happened? Why does the cat look so angry and displeased? Who brought him to such a life? Careful owners say that such Louis looked from birth. Yes, we can’t even call him a cute kitten!

Together with Louis, another representative of the cat-monster lives in the house. Take a look at them: beauty and monster!

But to be honest, Louis is well done. He proved to the whole world that appearance is not the main thing. The cat is loved not only by its owners but also by those thousands of subscribers who follow him on Instagram.

Behind the ugly appearance, a soft flexible character and a good cat’s heart are actually hiding. Louis reminded us all that you would not see the main eyes.

The cat gives its owners a sea of positivity and brightens their everyday life. It is great that they were able to make out in this unusual cat the dear creature.

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