She says «No! » to aging: This is what renowned designer Wang looked like when she was still young

 She says «No! » to aging: This is what renowned designer Wang looked like when she was still young

No question she looks amazing at 73, but did you see her in her teen years? Photos🧐

Few will ask who this woman is since her name as that of an iconic fashion designer is known across the world. She was born in 1949 and was raised in a well-to-do but strict family. Even at her senior age, she still maintains her unique image.

Though her childhood’s cherished dream was to become an Olympic figure, she pursued a career in fashion design. Her journey to the big world started at the Saint Laurent boutique which was followed by her position as an assistant in Vogue.

It is important to mention that she became the youngest employee to hold the position of senior fashion editor.

No less than 15 years of her life were dedicated to Conde Nast. When she was 38, she deservedly became a designer for R. Lauren’s accessory line.

This was followed by a marriage proposal and a new chapter of her life was to begin. In pursuit of a perfect wedding dress, she decided to make her own design and soon became a master.

Her ageless beauty and talent still never cease to pleasantly surprise her fans and admirers.


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