«Envy silently! »: The aged and wrinkled appearance of Douglas became the topic of heated discussions

 «Envy silently! »: The aged and wrinkled appearance of Douglas became the topic of heated discussions

The «Wednesday» star shared an intimate kiss with her aged husband🧐

The 53-year-old star of «Wednesday» and her husband M. Douglas shared a warm kiss. Many fans clearly noticed that her husband is noticeably aged and now resembled a grandpa.

«Am I the only one who sees a grandpa and a young girl here? », «I don’t believe in the sincerity of this kind of love».

«What did she find in him I wonder? », «One of the most legendary couples in Hollywood, for sure! », «This is what happens when there is a big age gap between couples».

«They have always been my favorite couple ever! », «The family I admire forever! ».


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