«She lost the control of her muscles!» This is what the terrible disease has done to iconic singer Celine Dion

 «She lost the control of her muscles!» This is what the terrible disease has done to iconic singer Celine Dion

The fans’ hearts broke into pieces after this! 💔😟The latest news about Dion’s condition saddened absolutely everyone! 🙁😢 See how the singer appears now in this article! 👇👇👇

About the condition of C. Dion, there is hardly anyone who still doesn’t know. The popular singer has a rare syndrome which is progressing at an unsustainable rate. She has lately lost the control of her muscles and the disease can take over her any minute.

This causes strong discomfort and she often experiences severe pain and stiffness. Dion’s relatives have recently shown what the legendary singer looks like now. The ailment made her regretfully say «goodbye» to her career as a legendary singer.

«No good news..», «She is a legend. That’s it!», «My dream is to see her again on stage! Please, Lord, help this woman», «My heart has just broken into thousands of pieces».

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