A beautiful story: a caring and kind man in the subway fulfilled the dream of a little boy

The story that happened in the New York subway blew up social networks.

In the modern world, you will not surprise anyone with the presence of a smartphone. Each of us uses gadgets every day, anytime and anywhere.

The kind-hearted man on the New York subway made a little boy's dream come true

But the story, which took place in the New York subway, blew up social networks, and the video gained more than 700 thousand views.

Tatyana Davis posted an interesting video on Facebook: a young man is busy playing on his phone. And next to him sits a little boy who is watching with curiosity what is happening on the screen.

The kind-hearted man on the New York subway made a little boy's dream come true

It can be seen that the child also wanted to pick up a gadget or at least give some advice to a neighbor.

The man could not help but notice the look of the little gamer and handed him his smartphone.

The kind-hearted man on the New York subway made a little boy's dream come true

The boy was dumbfounded: he did not expect an adult to do this.

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing special about this. But if you stop for a moment and think, then the actions of a man can be called care.

The kind-hearted man on the New York subway made a little boy's dream come true

Everyone understands that it is easy for children to get bored on a long trip. But everyone is so busy with their own affairs that no one pays attention to such trifles. And only a few dare to give a personal item to a complete stranger, and even then in emergency cases.

However, the guy, seeing that the child was bored, did not hesitate to share his gadget with him.

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