A touching story: to save the lives of poor kittens, this wonderful dog became a donor for them

 A touching story: to save the lives of poor kittens, this wonderful dog became a donor for them

A huge royal dog answered the call for help and became donor for the kittens.

The story of saving these kittens began on October 11, when they were found by the workers of the rescue center. It seemed that fate itself had turned its back on them. They were born on the street during heavy rains and terrible cold, and their small and thin bodies were covered with parasites.

The babies were also diagnosed with pneumonia and their eyes were so infected that they couldn’t see anything.

For the sake of saving dying kittens, this dog agreed to become a donor for them

“I have never seen so many fleas in my 15 years as a veterinarian. On top of that, they had ticks, sores, terrible conjunctivitis ”, recalls Hayes, their adoptive mother.

For the sake of saving dying kittens, this dog agreed to become a donor for them

And if veterinarians fought parasites with the help of various means and trays, then everything was worse with the eyes. Eye drops stopped helping them. And then the doctor came up with something interesting.

It occurred to him to use dog blood for the manufacture of serum, which would help kittens.

For the sake of saving dying kittens, this dog agreed to become a donor for them

The huge royal dog Harley answered the call for help. He became the most needed blood donor. The vets managed to make special drops for kittens and it worked.

Now the kids are getting their sight back. People have made titanic efforts to save the life of these crumbs. And looking at these kittens, they understand that all this was not in vain.

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